Dixon's Electric & Mechanical

Have a question about our services? We have the answer.

Check out these FAQs and give Dixon's Electric & Mechanical a call today for more information!

  • How many years of experience do you have?

    Our team at Dixon's Electric & Mechanical has accumulated over four decades of experience in the heating and air industry, providing reliable service to the Bellefonte area since 1970.
  • When was your business founded?

    Dixon's Electric & Mechanical was established in 1970, marking the beginning of our long-standing commitment to serving the Bellefonte community with exceptional heating and air services.
  • Do you offer free estimates?

    We understand the importance of transparent pricing. That's why we provide complimentary estimates for all our heating and air services, allowing you to make informed decisions about your home comfort needs.
  • Do you service all makes and models?

    Our technicians are trained to work on a wide range of heating and air systems. We service all makes and models, ensuring that regardless of your equipment's brand or type, we can provide the necessary maintenance, repair, or installation services.
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